400-881-3566 13823996716
400-881-3566 13823996716
简约也能驾驭奢华-辉腾系列 优质真皮的奢华触感与天然纹理的华丽的气象,为现代办公空间营造出一室轻奢典雅。方正大度的款型搭配高度实用化的简约设计元素,表达出品味高致、意气辉腾现代王者印象。 Simple things can be luxurious. Phaeton series, with the texture of fine leather and the natural vens, creates the luxurious and elegant atmosphere for modern office. The regular and mangificent pattem matches with practical and simple design elements, showing Phaeton's modern image of a king.
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